2012 Sixth Annual Bike Bash in Tampa Nov. 4th

The Bicycle Bash Festival
is returning to downtown
Tampa in 2012.


The inaugural Bash drew thousands of bicyclists to the Tampa Bay Forum plaza in 2006 and one of the Southeast’s premier bicycle events is coming back to downtown Tampa in 2012 after three years in downtown St. Pete and two years in Hillsborough County.

Now SWFBUD wants to spread
the bicycle love to Tampa.

South West Florida Bicycle United Dealers, a nationally-recognized and award-winning alliance of 9 Tampa Bay bicycle stores, puts on the annual Bicycle Bash Festival to promote bicycling as a great way of life, effective transportation and healthy lifestyle in the Tampa Bay market.
Making the Bicycle Bash possible is SWFBUD’s 9 member bicycle stores — Oliver’s Cycle Sports, Chainwheel Drive, Bicycle Outfitters, University Bicycle Center, Street Fit 360, Trek Store of Tampa and Clearwater, ABC Bicycles, Trek Store of St. Petersburg and Velo Champ. SWFBUD also has three member lawyers who advocate for improved bicycling conditions — Tom Singletary, J. Steele Olmstead and the Mark Roman Law Group.
SWFBUD speaks as one on behalf of 9 Tampa Bay bike shops, three lawyers and the thousands of bicyclists we represent because our strong voice carries political clout. SWFBUD prompted the Hillsborough County Commission to create a Bicycle Safety Action Plan; we proposed a regional bicycle trail network that is now crystallizing; and we helped stop the demolition of the beloved Friendship TrailBridge.
SWFBUD also leaned on the city of Tampa to create more bicycle lanes and sharrows, held several swap meets to offer affordable bicycle merchandise and increased the profile of bicycling in a market that has suffered a reputation for not being friendly to bicyclists. SWFBUD has accomplished this by forging political relationships with elected leaders, galvanizing bicyclists of all backgrounds and stepping up to speak out at public forums on behalf of bicyclists in hopes that Tampa Bay will value bicycling and enjoy its many benefits.
SWFBUD puts on the annual Bicycle Bash free of charge and is partnering with the city of Tampa for this year’s event in beautiful Cotanchobee Park, which showcases Tampa’s Riverwalk and is located behind the Tampa Bay Times Forum between the Tampa Bay History Center and Marriott Waterside on the Channel.

Featuring many fun activities, such as a swap meet, bicycle art, free bike gear, and SWFBUD’s bicycle shop and legal experts.


Bicycle Bash/Social Gathering/Bike Summit Schedule — Nov 4 and 5

Bicycle Bash ScheduleSunday NOV 4    10 am to 4 pm  Cotanchobee Park, Old Water Street in Downtown Tampa10 am — Start of Bicycle Bash
10:30am — Group stretch
11am — Mayor Bob Buckhorn bicycle ride
12 noon — SWFBUDDY Awards
2 pm — Kids bikes along Riverwalk
3 pm — Free gear raffle
4 pm — Bike Bash ends

Activities — swap meet, demos, Columbia Cafe food, Cigar City beer, music

Sunday NOV 4   7 pm to 9 pm   Independent Bar, 5016 Florida Ave. in Seminole Heights

Meet and greet Andy Clarke, president of the League of American Bicyclists; and Tim Bustos, executive director of the Florida Bicycle association

Monday NOV 5   1 pm to 4 pm    Tampa Bay History Center   Downtown Tampa

“The Big Turnaround: Bridging the Divide to Becoming a Great Bicycle Town”


Andy Clarke, League of American Bicyclists president — What makes a great bike town?

Rick Baker, former mayor of St. Petersburg — Why should an elected official invest in bicycling?
Cheryl Stacks, St. Petersburg bike-ped coordinator — How do you keep bicycle projects rolling?
Jean Duncan, Tampa transportation director — How does Tampa turn things around?
Tim Bustos, Florida Bicycle Association executive director — How do we bridge the hopes of advocates with the goals of public officials?